API Reference

The Tiny Lib api contains a plain functions which are all prefixed with rx_ and some classes. Below we describe the API per category.

String and conversion utils

float rx_to_float(const std::string&)

Convert a string to a float value.

int rx_to_int(const std::string&)

Convert a string to a integer value.

std::string rx_string_replace(std::string, char from, char to)

Convert a character in a string into another value

std::string rx_string_replace(std::string, std::string from, std::string to)

Convert a string from one value into another.

std::string rx_int_to_string(const int &v)

Convert an integer value into a string.

std::string rx_float_to_string(const float &v)

Convert a float to a string.

std::vector<std::string> rx_split(std::string str, char delim)

Split a string on the given delimiter and return a std::vector<std::string> with the separate parts.

File utils

std::string rx_get_exe_path()

Returns the the full path to the directory where the executable is located.

std::string rx_to_data_path(const std::string filename)

Returns a path to what we call a data path. A data path is a directory where you can store things like textures, shaders, fonts, etc. By default this will return a path to your executable with data/.

uint64_t rx_get_file_mtime(std::string filepath)

Returns the file modification time since unix epoch in nanoseconds.

bool rx_is_dir(std::string filepath)

Checks if the given path is an directory

bool rx_file_exists(std::string filepath)

Checks if the given filepath exists and returns true if it does, otherwise it will return false.

std::string rx_strip_filename(std::string filepath)

Removes the filename from the given path, returning only the full path.

std::string rx_strip_dir(std::string filepath)

Removes the path from the given filepath keeping only the filename.

bool rx_create_dir(std::string path)

Create the given (sub) directory.

bool rx_create_path(std::string filepath)

Create a complete path. This will create all the given paths that don’t exist.

std::string rx_get_file_ext(std::string filename)

This will return the filename extension, like “jpg”, “gif”, etc..

std::string ext = rx_get_file_ext("/file/image.jpg");
printf("%s\n", ext.c_str()); // will print 'jpg'
std::vector<std::string> rx_get_files(std::string path, std::string ext = "")

Get all the files in the given path. You can specify a file extension filter like “jpg”, “gif” etc..

std::string rx_norm_path(std::string path)

Creates a normalized, cross platform path. Always pass in forward slashes; on windows we will convert these to backslahes:

std::string normpath = rx_norm_path("/path/to/my/dir");
std::string rx_read_file(std::string filepath)

Read a file into a string.

Time utils

uint64_t rx_hrtime()

A high resolution timer in nano seconds.

// somewhere we have a defined a delay and timeout
uint64_t delay = 1000ull * 1000ull * 1000ull; // 1 second, 1000 millis
uint64_t timeout = rx_hrtime() + delay;

// then somewhere else you can check if this delay has been reached
uint64_t now = rx_hrtime();
if(now > timeout) {
   // Do something every second.
   timeout = rx_hrtime() + delay; // set new delay
float rx_millis()

Returns the time since the first call to this function in milliseconds.

std::string rx_strftime(const std::string fmt)

Wrapper around strftime which returns a a time/date.

std::string datetime = rx_strftime("%Y/%m/%d");
printf("%s\n", datetime.c_str()); // prints e.g. 2014/01/16
std::string rx_get_year()

Get the current year with 4 digits, eg. 2014

std::string rx_get_month()

Get the current month with 2 digits, [00-11]

std::string rx_get_day()

Get the current day of the month with 2 digits, [00-031]

std::string rx_get_hour()

Get the current hour with 2 digits, [00-23]

std::string rx_get_minute()

Get the current minutes with 2 digits, [00-60]

std::string rx_get_time_string()

Returns a string for the current date-time with milli second accuracy. This function is handy if you want to create unique filenames for example (as long as there is some time between each time you call this function to prevent duplicates).

std::string time_string = rx_get_time_string();
printf("%s\n", time_string.c_str()); // prints something like: 2014.01.16_19.01.00_328

Image utils

bool rx_save_png(std::string file, unsigned char* pix, int w, int h, int nchannels, bool flip)

Save the given pixels to the given file path.

int width = 320;
int height = 240;
unsigned char* pix = new unsigned char[width * height * 3];

// some pixel data
for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
   for(int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
       int dx = j * width * 3 + i * 3;
       if(i < (width/2)) {
           pix[dx + 0] = 255;
           pix[dx + 1] = 255;
           pix[dx + 2] = 255;
       else {
           pix[dx + 0] = 0;
           pix[dx + 1] = 0;
           pix[dx + 2] = 0;

std::string outfile = rx_to_data_path("test.png");

if(rx_save_png(outfile, pix, width, height, 3) == false) {
    printf("Error: cannot save PNG: %s\n", outfile.c_str());
  • stringfile Full file path where to save the image
  • unsigned char*pix Pointer to the raw pixels you want to save
  • intw The width of the pixel buffer
  • inth The height of the pixel buffer
  • intnchannels The number of color components (e.g. 1 for grayscale, 3 for RGB)
  • boolflip Set to true if you want to flip the image horizontally (handy when using glReadPixels())

boolean true on success, else false.

bool rx_load_png(std::string file, unsigned char** pix, int& w, int& h, int& nchannels, int* allocated = NULL)

Load a PNG file from the given filepath and create a pixel buffer, set width, height and nchannels. See https://gist.github.com/roxlu/9b9d555cf784385d67ba for examples on how to load using the same memory buffer.

int w = 0;
int h = 0;
int channels = 0;
unsigned char* pix = NULL;
int allocated = 0; /* when given to rx_load_png, it should contain the number of bytes in `pix`, it will try to reuse or reallocate the pix buffer. */
int bytes_in_image = 0;

bytes_in_image = rx_load_png("test.png", &pix, w, h, channels, &allocated);
if (bytes_in_image < 0) {
   printf("Error: cannot load the png.\n");

printf("Width: %d\n", w);
printf("Height: %d\n", h);
printf("Color Channels: %d\n", channels);
printf("Bytes in buffer: %d\n", bytes_in_image);
  • stringfile Load the png from this filepath.
  • unsigned char*pix (out) We will allocate a unsigned char buffer for you; you need to delete this buffer yourself!
  • int&w (out) Reference to the width result. We will set the width value of the loaded image to w.
  • int&h (out) Reference to the height result. We will set the height value of the loaded image to h.
  • int&nchannels (out) The number of color channels in the loaded png.
  • int*allocated (out,in) The number of bytes in the pix parameter. When given this must hold the correct value of the buffer size. We will try to reuse or reallocate the buffer. The allocated param may be 0 (it will just allocate a new buffer then.)

true on success, else false

bool rx_load_jpg(std::string file, unsigned char** pix, int& w, int& height, int& nchannels, int* allocated)

Loads a JPG file, see rx_load_png for an example as the function works the same, but only loads a JPG. See https://gist.github.com/roxlu/9b9d555cf784385d67ba for examples on how to load using the same memory buffer.

  • stringfile Load the jpg from this filepath.
  • unsigned char*pix (out) We will allocate a unsigned char buffer for you; you need to delete this buffer yourself!
  • int&w (out) Reference to the width result. We will set the width value of the loaded image to w.
  • int&h (out) Reference to the height result. We will set the height value of the loaded image to h.
  • int&nchannels (out) The number of color channels in the loaded jpg.
  • int*allocated (out,in) The number of bytes in the pix parameter. When given this must hold the correct value of the buffer size. We will try to reuse or reallocate the buffer. The allocated param may be 0 (it will just allocate a new buffer then.)

true on success, else false

bool rx_save_jpg(std::string file, unsigned char* pix, int width, int height, int nchannels, int quality = 80, bool flip = false, J_COLOR_SPACE colorSpace, J_DCT_METHOD dctMethod = JDCT_FASTEST)
  • stringfile Save a jpg to this filepath.
  • unsigned char*pix The pixels you want to save.
  • intwidth The width of the pix buffer.
  • intheight The height of the pix buffer.
  • intnchannels The number of color channels. (e.g. 3).
  • intquality The quality (reasonable values are 65-100, 80 is ok)
  • boolflip Flip the given input pixels horizontally (e.g. nice when using glReadPixels())
  • J_COLOR_SPACEcolorSpace The JPEG color space that you pass as pix, by default JCS_RGB. Other options JCS_GRAYSCALE, JCS_YCbCr, JCS_CMYK, JCS_YCCK

true on success else false


GLuint rx_create_shader(GLenum, const char *)

Creates a shader for the given type and source.

static const char* MY_VERTEX_SHADER = ""
    "#version 330"
    "uniform mat4 u_pm;"
    "uniform mat4 u_vm;"
    "layout( location = 0 ) in vec4 a_pos;"
    "void main() {"
    "  gl_Position = u_pm * u_vm * a_pos;"

GLuint vert = rx_create_shader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, MY_VERTEX_SHADER);
  • GLenum – What kind of shader to create GL_VERTEX_SHADER, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
  • const char* – Pointer to the shader source

GLuint, the created shader.

GLuint rx_create_shader_from_file(GLenum, std::string)

Creates a shader for the given type and filepath.

GLuint vert = rx_create_shader_from_file(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "my_shader.vert");
  • GLenum – What kind of shader to create GL_VERTEX_SHADER, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
  • string – The filepath of the shader to load
GLuint rx_create_program(GLuint vert, GLuint frag, bool link = false)

Create a shader program from the given vertex and fragment shaders. Set link to true if you want to link the shader program as well. Sometimes, especially when using GLSL < 330, you want to bind the attribute locations in your shader. In this case you’ll pass link = false. Otherwise, when using version 330 you can use the layout( location = 0 ) directives.

  • GLuintvert The vertex shader.
  • GLuintfrag The fragment shader.

GLuint We return the newly created shader program id (not linked).

GLuint rx_create_program_with_attribs(GLuint vert, GLuint frag, int nattribs, const char **attribs)

This function is similar to rx_create_program except that it will bind the attribute locations for you. The indices of the given attribs array are used as bind locations. The example below will bind a_pos at index 0, a_tex at 1 and a_col at 2. This function will also link the shader.

const char* attribs[] = { "a_pos", "a_tex", "a_col" } ;
GLuint prog = rx_create_program_with_attribs(vert, frag, 3, attribs);
  • GLuintvert The vertex shader.
  • GLuintfrag The fragment shader.
  • intnattribs The number of attributes in the attribs array.
  • const char**attribs The attributes that you want to set.

GLuint A linked program.

GLint rx_get_uniform_location(GLuint prog, std::string name)

Safe way to retrieve uniform locations. When compiled in debug mode, this function will make sure that the uniform is found and will cause an assertion if we cannot find the uniform (which often means it’s optimized away and thus not used in the shader). Make sure that your shader is active (glUseProgram(prog)).

  • GLuintprog The shader program.
  • stringname The name of the uniform for which you want the location.

GLint The location of the uniform (-1 on failure).

void rx_uniform_1i(GLuint prog, std::string name, GLint v)

This function will set the uniform with the given name to v. This function is to be used in your setup routines. It’s an easy wrapper for e.g. settings uniform locations for your texture samplers.

  • GLuintprog The program that contains the name uniform.
  • stringname The name of the uniform you want to set.
  • GLintv The value you want to set.


void rx_uniform_1f(GLuint prog, std::string name, GLfloat v)

Similar to rx_uniform_1i ecxept you use this to set float values.

  • GLuintprog The program that contains the name uniform.
  • stringname The name of the uniform you want to set.
  • GLfloatv The value you want to set.


void rx_uniform_mat4fv(GLuint prog, std::string name, GLint count, GLboolean transpose, GLfloat *value)

Wrapper around glUniformMatrix4fv. This function will set the given matrix.

  • GLuintprog The program that contains the name uniform.
  • stringname The name of the uniform you want to set.
  • GLintcount Number of matrices to set.
  • GLbooleantranspose Transpose the matrix.
  • const float*value Pointer to the matrix.


bool rx_create_png_screenshot(std::string filepath)

Creates a PNG screenshot of the current read buffer with the size of the current viewport. The image is saved to the given filepath. Note that this function allocates some static memory so we don’t have to allocate every time you create a screenshot. This does mean that we “leak” a couple of bytes and that you need to be carefull calling this function from different threads at the same time.

NOTE: This means that both ROXLU_USE_OPENGL and ROXLU_USE_PNG must be enabled.

Parameters:stringfilepath The file path where you want to save the screenshot.
Returns:boolean, true on success else false.
bool rx_create_jpg_screenshot(std::string filepath, int quality)

Same as rx_create_png_screenshot() but this creates a JPG image. Writing JPGs to disk is often faster then writing PNG images.

NOTE: This means that both ROXLU_USE_OPENGL and ROXLU_USE_PNG must be enabled.

  • stringfilepath The file path where you want to save the screenshot.
  • integerquality The quality level for the JPG.

boolean, true on success else false.

